Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The fun of linking webpages

Our project for today was to create three html pages and link the three to one another. I wasn't completely sure how to begin, but my first step was to create one page with the appropriate DIV inside it, then save it three times to give me my three identical pages.

After I had all three created, I started on my links. I did something similar to the one we made in class which was the three links divided by a line. I linked the appropriate text to the appropriate page and was done with that step.

Next up, was my .css page. This confused me with the border and font specifications. I was not sure if I had input the correct code for the color and font size.

Finally after linking them all together, I think I have it right, or at least the majority. The color turned out correct, so that might mean I did it correctly after all.

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