Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Observing Online and Print Journalism

We were given the task today to pick an article out of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and see how it compared to its online version. A daunting task indeed.

I lucked out with the story I picked. It sort of simplified the entire process. The reason being, is that both versions are the same. Identical. Even down to the caption on the picture.  The only difference I could find was a missing sub header on the print version, that was nowhere to be found on

There was a difference in the titles of the two versions, with the print version sporting a mere two words. This is understandable seeing as how space is limited on a newspaper page.

Sidebars were present online, with multiple links to videos that related in someway to Game 2. On the opposite sidebar, you can find a link to posts on the website's forum, most popular/read stories, and a small calendar widget.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations. It seems this was a case of shovelware. They used the same story in print and online with minor differences. However, the online version has more depth because of the hyperlinks within the text of the story; addition of social media icons; and it allowed for comments.
    The multimedia on the sides allows for more context to the story.
    Good job.
